Being employed and a part of the work force is a wonderful break from sitting around, doing nothing, and than running out of topics to blog about. Consciously working on several big stories, but having no hard disk to save information to makes it more difficult. Rather it be an investment of time to get the results wanted, than to half ass do it and fail.
One thing working in a convenience store has to offer is a total zen attitude. You know there are going to be extended periods of time, so you plan on how to spread the work out over the seven or eight hour shift. Then there are many different jobs that are so far apart from eachother that it makes it interesting. Not to mention the Slushie machine, the five cent candies, and the sticker pricing gun. Zen. I really could be Asian after working at my store for a year. Its a vacation at the Kwik-E Mart. Thank you come again. ;)
Other than that, tempted going out and that wasn't as much of a success on several parts, but quite a success in others. And I am OK with that. If not, I am more determined than ever to get my new projects accomplished. Seeing it now there were times of wanting to invest time into a project. Now the ideas are being developed more and my management of them is getting better.
Some current projects (besides baking gluten-free, fresh fruit cookies with hemp hearts) have me in the garden, growing some organic legumes and vegetables on 17 year recomposted soil. The others are in the works, but seem more and more likely now that I have the finances to back them.
What ever it is, it will be great. Because I can, I will, and I do. Even if there are minor setbacks.
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